Call for papers
The call for proposals for oral presentations (20 min) or posters will be open from April 3rd, 2024 until June 15th, 2024. Extension of the deadline for sending abstracts until July 12, 2024. Notification of acceptance will be sent by July 31st, 2024.
Each participant may submit a maximum of two proposals (as a single author or with co-authors). All people who sign a communication must to register and to make the corresponding registration payment. Only abstracts of registered participants will be included in the programme. It is planned to publish a digital book of the abstracts once the deadline for their submission ends.
Proposals will be accepted in any peninsular language, in French and in English. For the use of other languages please get in touch with the organising committee.
Thematic lines:
We invite proposals related to one of the thematic lines mentioned below:
- Bilingualism, multilingualism and languages in contact in the teaching of language and literature.
- ICTs as a means of multilingual learning in diverse educational contexts.
- Oral and written culture: new contributions and paradigms.
- Gamification and game-based approaches in the teaching of language and literature.
- Innovative experiences in language and literature teaching.
- Plurilingual and intercultural competence in the classroom and in teacher training.
- Foreign language teaching and learning in the 21st century.
- Formats and emerging genres of children’s and young adult books.
- School libraries and the promotion of reading skills in the new curriculum.
Word limit for the abstracts: 500 words
Poster instructions:
All posters must be printed in A0 (84 cm x 119 cm) or A1 (59 cm x 84 cm) size in portrait format Instructions on how to hang the posters will be provided at the registration desk. Posters can be installed at the beginning of the conference and we recommend displaying them until the end of the conference.
Oral communication:
Oral communications will have a duration of 15 minutes. At the end of the sessions there will be 15 minutes for questions and reflections. All participants are invited to consult the time, day and room of their presentation.