Social activities

Visit to Museu de Lleida
27 November
The Lleida Museum is the result of the addition of two museums with unique and relevant objects for the disciplines of art history and archaeology. The Museum integrates the collection provided by the Chapter of the Cathedral of Lérida, as well as some deposits from the Generalitat of Catalonia, the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, the Museum of Archeology of Catalonia and some individuals.
Visit to La Seu Vella Cathedral
Thursday 28 November
It is one of the finest artistic productions of 13th-century Catalan architecture of and, by extension, of medieval European architecture.
Gala dinner
Thursday 28 November
The Gala dinner will be held at Restaurant La Masia (C. Democràcia, 16 - 25007 Lleida). The price is €60 and is not included in the fee.