Useful tips about the city of Lleida


The climate in Lleida is continental, with Mediterranean influences. The temperature in November ranges between 4ºC minimum and 13ºC maximum.


Lleida’s time zone is CET (Central European Time), i.e. UCT/GMT +1 hour.


The electric power used throughout Spain is the European standard 220-240 V, A.C. 50 Hz. Plugs are round with two pins, and adapters can be purchased at most electrical outlets.


Free Wi-Fi will be available throughout the conference. The password will be sent automatically by e-mail a few days before the conference.


Normally, for EU travellers, there is no additional charge for roaming. You will have to pay the same price as if you were in your home country (check with your phone operator to make sure this is the case for you).
For travellers from other countries, your mobile phone should work in Spain, but it is strongly recommended to check with your mobile operator about additional charges that may apply if you do not turn off your data before arriving in Europe. Free Wi-Fi access is very common in stores, restaurants and hotels, and there will be free Wi-Fi access throughout the venue of the conference.


The currency in Spain is the euro (€). Coins come in denominations of 1 and 2 euros (€) and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 euro cents. Banknotes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros (€).
It is important to note the way numbers are written in Spain: decimals are written after the period (e.g. 60.35 € = 60 € and 35 cents) and thousands before the comma (e.g. 1,360.35 € = one thousand three hundred and sixty euros and thirty-five cents). Traveller’s checks and 500 euro bills are rarely accepted, but there are no problems with credit cards in stores, restaurants, gas stations and hotels. The sales tax in Spain is VAT (IVA in Spanish) and in most places VAT is included in the prices of items. The general VAT in Spain is 21% but there are reduced rates for certain products.
The 10% that appears on the invoice is the VAT you pay for restaurants, hotels, transportation and food in general. There is also a 4% rate on basic food products.


Catalan is the official language of Catalonia, but Spanish is widely spoken in Lleida. However, English and French are generally spoken in tourist establishments.


In November most establishments are open from 10:00 to 13:30 and from 16:30 to 20:30, Monday to Saturday Restaurants and bars are usually open from 13:30 to 15:30 for lunch and from 20:30 to 23:00 for dinner.
One of the services most used by visitors is banking. Lleida offers a wide range of banks and savings banks. Their usual opening hours are from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. Banks are also open on Thursday afternoons from 17:00 to 19:00 hours. They are closed on weekends and holidays.


To protect people from the effects of tobacco smoke, smoking is prohibited in all hostelry venues in Lleida, including bars, restaurants and cafés. If you smoke, please remember to smoke outside.


Water in Lleida is safe to drink directly from the tap.

Getting around Lleida

The Centre de Cultures i Cooperació Transfronterera (CCCT) is about a 12-minute walk from the city centre (the City Hall or Paeria). Although distances in Lleida are short and most of the city can be reached on foot, the CCCT can also be reached directly by bus and cab.

City bus

Lleida has eleven bus lines that connect the different parts of the city. The bus ticket costs 1.20 € and can be purchased on board. The bus fare must be paid to the driver when boarding the bus. The main routes to and from the Cappont Campus are operated by buses 2, 3, 5 and 6 (Pont Universitat stop).

For all bus routes and schedules, click here or download the following app:

Lleida Taxi

Cabs are available in Lleida 24 hours a day. You can take a cab when necessary, by going to a specific cab rank or by calling a cab company (cabs do not circulate waiting for customers in Lleida).
These are the telephone numbers of the companies that provide service in Lleida:

Tele Ràdio Taxi


In case of emergency, call 112 (police, ambulance, etc).